Member Spotlight on Kim Leslie WS

This month, we are delighted to share a Member Spotlight on Kim Leslie WS, Partner at Irwin Mitchell LLP and Chair of the Civil Justice Committee of The Law Society of Scotland.

What/who made you consider law as a career?

I had little confidence in my academic abilities until I met my inspiring English teacher in senior school. He was so kind and encouraging, which made me want to work hard. I realised that if I could turn around my grades in English then, if I applied myself diligently, I could achieve success in other subjects. This teacher recognised that I was analytical and thought law may be a natural fit for me. When I was appointed partner, I wrote to this incredible individual to thank him for his contribution. I do not believe I would be where I am today without his input.

What attracted you to work in personal injury law?

Being able to use all my skills and experience to advocate and champion for individuals who need help in rebuilding their lives after trauma is meaningful work. When you have purpose, work feels like breathing.

Please tell us about some of the highlights of your career, to date.

I was the Lawyer of the Week in The Times, for my work in recovering damages for siblings who suffered child abuse.

I was Highly Commended in the 2022 Scottish Legal Awards in the Lawyer of the Year award.

The real highlights though are when clients tell you about the plans they have for their future. With proper rehabilitation and financial redress their choices and options are optimised and that is the true highlight.

How did you first come to hear about the WS Society and what made you want to become a member?

Attending conferences in such a beautiful setting made me curious about the WS.

In what way has the WS Society played a role in your career?

Networking within the WS has assisted me in establishing connections for referral business.

What would you say to any lawyer considering WS membership?

As a member you get to book meeting rooms. The backdrop of the Signet Library can be an amazing setting for meetings best conducted out with the office. The 20% discount for catering can be used by members. There is incredible history within those walls and as a member you get to shape and influence the next generation of WS.