The WS Society was pleased to once again support the excellent work of the School Mock Court Project SCIO (SC043342). On 27 November, we welcomed 150 school students, their teachers and families to the Signet Library for this year’s awards ceremony.   The Mock Court Project is a Scottish charity providing equal learning opportunities to approximately 3,000 students every year, working in all areas of Scotland.  Their core mock court programmes provide students the chance to work with legal professionals, visit Scottish Courts and compete in mock trials, presided by current members of the Judiciary.  Congratulations to the 2023 finalists Dunfermline High School and the Edinburgh Academy, and to other schools winning well deserved awards including St Kentigerns, Fernhill School and Royal Irvine Academy.  The competition is an engaging and inspiring first taste of a career in law for children and young people from all backgrounds.  We look forward to continuing this collaboration and support next year.