We were delighted to have Martin Griffiths OBE, the former Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs give the keynote address at this year’s Scottish Global Dialogues at the Signet Library.

Scottish Global Dialogues is a joint initiative of Beyond Borders Scotland and the WS Society, which brings a speaker of international standing to the Signet Library each year during the Edinburgh festivals. The series aims to promote non-partisan debate on international relations and global politics, in the interests of advancing citizenship and cultural exchange. The series is supported by the Scottish Government and Scottish Council on Global Affairs.

Martin spoke on the current conflict crises affecting the world and about the need for enhanced humanitarian diplomacy to alleviate the suffering of civilians and conflict stakeholders caught up in conflict. He was introduced by the First Minister of Scotland, John Swinney, MSP.

After Martin Griffiths’ lecture, the audience was treated to a spellbinding performance by Robert Marshall WS singing unaccompanied two verses of Robert Burns’ For a‘ That and a’ That.

WS Society Chief Executive, Robert Pirrie WS, said:

‘This series aims to promote non-partisan debate on international relations and global politics, in the interests of advancing citizenship and cultural exchange and is supported by the Scottish Government, Scottish Council for Global Affairs and a range of other Scottish academic and festival bodies. To have Martin Griffiths here is a great honour and very timely given the conflict crisis afflicting the world.’

Founder of Beyond Borders Scotland, Mark Muller Stuart KC, said:

‘We are delighted Martin Griffiths has found time to accept our invitation to come to Edinburgh at this critical junction in the conflict crisis debate. He brings with him a vast reservoir of knowledge and experience at a time when fresh inspiration is needed more than ever to help address and overcome conflicts afflicting world.

Martin comes to Edinburgh when over a million festival goers are in the city. We believe the original purposes and convening power of the Edinburgh festivals, along with the Scottish enlightenment heritage of the city, can help the world to find inspiration and new approaches to ameliorate the suffering of civilians caught up in those conflicts. We cannot think of a better backdrop or more symbolic place from which to deliver such an important address than here, at the Signet Library, birthplace of the modern world.’

First Minister John Swinney said:

‘The Scottish Government is delighted to again support the Scottish Global Dialogues in Edinburgh with our partners at Beyond Borders, the WS Society and Scottish Council on Global Affairs.  This event comes at just the right time, with the world facing multiple conflict situations.  Humanitarian diplomacy is more important than ever and there is no-one better to lead the debate than Martin Griffiths.’


A recording of Martin Griffiths’ address at the Signet Library on 22 August 2024 is now available for all to view here.