Generations Working Together (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), charity number SC045851) is looking for HR management personnel to provide a short online interview which will help the charity to gain a better understanding of modern workspaces and the needs of an intergenerational workforce. More details below. 

Project Outline

The project investigates the needs of a multi-generational workforce, as well as the challenges and benefits of a multi-generational workforce for Scotland's labour market. The project is run by the charity, Generations Working Together (GWT), whose focus is on supporting the development and integration of intergenerational practice across Scotland. Intergenerational practice aims to bring people together through purposeful, mutually beneficial ways which promote greater understanding and respect between generations and contributes to building more cohesive communities.

The demographic of today’s workplaces looks markedly different from those of the past.  There has been an extension of working lives in Western societies due to various factors, such as the increasing pensionable age and aging populations (Harris et al., 2018). As a result, more generations are working together than ever before (OECD, 2024). The existence of a multi-generational workforce creates new challenges and raises questions of how regulators and employers can effectively structure work to respond to these challenges.  

Participant Information

In order to investigate these questions, and due to the time scale of the project, GWT is looking to organise short online interviews (20-30 minutes) in mid-late August, between management personnel working for Scottish employers - in the legal services industry this could include partners or senior HR employees. Preferably, we would like to interview people working for medium to large organisations, as they are the most likely to have an age-diverse workforce. Medium organisations are defined as those which employ between 50 - 250 employees, and large are those which employ over 250 employees. However, if individuals who work for smaller organisations would like to speak with us, we would be happy to hear from them. 

The main objectives of the project are to achieve a better understanding of modern workspaces and the needs of an intergenerational workforce, with the aim of producing a research paper specific to Scotland. Interviews with participants would be voluntary, however, the findings of the project will be shared with those who participate. 

If participants are interested, could they please contact Mina Aza at