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SOLD OUT - Silencing the medics? Co-produced with Internews (ONLINE EVENT)

Pandemic Special Event:
Have we silenced the medics? The freedom of health professionals to speak during the Covid-19 pandemic. - SOLD OUT

Co-produced with Internews

Live webinar broadcast from the Signet Library. 

The health crisis of 2020 has dominated the news agenda across the world. This event explores the quality of news reporting, and publicly available information, as the Covid-19 crisis unfolded. Have health professionals been able to speak out and speak freely? Was there evidence of mediation of scientific and medical opinion in relation to the reality faced by frontline health professionals? We will hear the experiences and opinions from senior clinical staff, broadcasters and journalists in the public eye on their ability to be heard and speak freely as the extent of the pandemic and collateral issues emerged. This event will cover principles of human rights, freedom of information and media law, as well as the direct experiences of healthcare professionals across the country.


This is a free event, open to all, but limited spaces are available. Registration is necessary.

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