The WS Society

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The WS Society and STEP Scotland annual joint conference for private client lawyers, taking place at the Signet Library on 5 October 2023, will focus on trust law reform. The role and practical value of trusts as vehicles for protection across the UK financial system has long been underplayed.  As the Trust and Succession (Scotland) Bill moves through Parliamentary process, the conference agenda addresses the proposed changes to the administration of trusts and management of trust assets, and the consequent impact on individuals, businesses, charities, and institutions. The keynote address with be given by The Rt Hon Lord Drummond Young, who will be joined by further expert speakers, including Professor Roddy Paisley (Chair of Law, University of Aberdeen) to cover the legal, tax and practical aspects of the proposed legislation. The conference will be chaired by Sandy Lamb WS (Lindsays) and supported by Finders International.  Further information and booking here.